Guy Taylor Associates
Founded in 1969, Guy Taylor Associates is an award winning, innovative and forward thinking design studio with offices in Newark, Manchester and Derby.
The work of the practice is underpinned by a strong conviction to the creative design process and reaching the best solution through open dialogue with clients, consultants, contractors and end users. There is no house style - every project is unique and responds to the brief, client aspirations and site context. Our portfolio of projects stretching over 40 years includes residential, office, education, leisure, heritage and conservation projects.
The collaboration of Architects, Architectural Technologists, Restoration & Conservation experts and Landscape Architects bring together vast experience and a highly skilled team of passionate designers.
Together we offer an exceptional body of knowledge and expertise that embraces every aspect of a buildings design, construction, performance and preservation.
GTA believe that good architecture is user-led, forming through a collaborative process where we work closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements for the project. We like to find the story of the project, which enables us to create a design that is completely unique to the client and embedded within the context of the site. We consider the holistic approach of the project, from the site masterplan to the tiny details, and will focus on how the end user will experience the space and what is important to them. We offer full architectural services from concept design to practical completion of the building, and work with a variety of media throughout the design development including 3D visualisations, hand sketches, technical details and physical models to ensure that our clients can fully engage with the whole process.
We have a strong reputation for our historic building conservation work. During the last 47 years we have worked on a vast number of historic buildings from Grade I listed Medieval manor houses to simple timber framed cob houses. Our expertise in the heritage field is substantiated by the awards we have won, which include three prestigious Europa Nostra awards. Because we are passionate about our historic environment, we approach each project whether it be building restoration, repair or a new intervention with an understanding of the significance of the heritage asset and the spirit of place. Our heritage consultancy services include Heritage Statements, Heritage Impact Assessments, Conservation Plans and Management & Maintenance Plans.
As places change and grow to meet future needs, it is critical that they maintain their unique sense of identity. Our masterplans are developed from an intuitive understanding of place, time, and architecture. Whether in a rural or urban setting, Guy Taylor Associates bring a holistic approach which places people and place at the centre of any masterplanning project, building communities and balancing architectural, social and infrastructural requirements to create practical and inspiring places to live, work and play. We work closely with developers to unlock a site’s full potential, ensuring that pragmatism sits alongside ambition. We can help to support landowners and developers through public consultation processes and negotiation with statutory bodies, ensuring successful place-making that benefits all key stakeholders.
Guy Taylor Associates have a strong reputation for our ability to work with Local Planning Authorities and other statutory bodies to develop projects which meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our work often involves developing, sometimes complex, planning strategies to help our clients to realise their vision in a way which responds to the constraints and opportunities of a site. Using our in-depth knowledge of planning guidance and legislation, we consistently achieve successful planning outcomes for clients, including obtaining planning permission and listed building consent, consent for developments in the Green Belt, Lawful Development Certificates and Prior Approvals including under Class Q of the GDPO allowing the conversion of agricultural buildings into houses.
We are committed to creating buildings which are optimised for energy efficiency. We develop bespoke environment strategies which are unique to the building and its context. Rather than looking to bolt-on technology we always look to fabric first and develop building form and fabric which combine to drive down energy consumption and create healthy buildings. We have experience in Passivhaus design and EnerPHit for retrofit projects. We have also designed to ZEB standard (Zero Energy Building).
We believe in a holistic approach that considers the relationship between the building and the landscape from the outset to create designs that promote harmony, ease of transition, and beautiful welcoming spaces. We design for longevity, always with an eye to the future to ensure the landscape can grow and change with the client's needs. We are passionate about creating beautiful, functional, sustainable spaces from planting schemes to housing developments.